Don’t Drink … Gamble!

by Rory on February 19th, 2023

If you enjoy a drink every now and then, keep your money at home if you are going to do your consuming in a casino. I am serious. Clean out your handbag, your billfold, and keep all cash, credit cards and checkbooks back at the hotel. Only take whatever cash you anticipate to spend on refreshments, tips and few dollars you anticipate to throw away and leave the remainder behind.

Cynical? Absolutely not. Just realistic. You might experience a profit after a intoxicated night out with your compatriots and be lucky sufficiently to catch a marathon roll at a smokin craps game. Hang on to that story seeing that it is as short-lived as it gets if you continuously drink alcohol and gamble. These activities simply do not mix.

Leaving your money out of the casino might be a little bit drastic, but precautionary measures for excessive behavior is necessary. If you wager to succeed, then don’t consume alcohol and bet. If you can afford to blow your cash without a worry, then drink all the gratuitous alcohol you are able to handle, but do not pack plastic credit and checks to toss into the mix of going after losses after your drunk as a skunk head squanders all the cash!

Allow me to take this a single step more. do not drink alcohol and then go online to gamble in your preferred casino either. I enjoy a beer from the coziness of my house, but considering that I’m linked up through Neteller, Firepay and keep charge cards at my fingertips, I can not consume alcohol and bet.

How come? Despite the fact that I don’t drink alcohol to excess, once I drink alcohol, it is clearly sufficient to befuddle my better judgment. I gamble, so I do not drink when wagering. If you are a drinker, don’t wager when you do. When mixed, both create a ferocious, and crazy, drink.

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